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Projects we support

GOOD NEWS: the Gospel of Jesus Christ has power to change individuals, families, and communities. This is the engine that drives all that we do and is our core principle. There are many ways that KRASIF AID people have helped Bulgaria, and continue to do so.

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THE BLUE HOUSE CARE CENTRE…. For many years this has been the flagship project we have supported. Launched from Sliven Baptist Church, since 2003, the Blue House has provided a range of welfare services to the people of Sliven from a caring Christian centre. In a very real way, the love of God has been demonstrated through the Blue House. Led by our good friend Genka Ivanova, help available included…






NEW MULTI-PURPOSE CHURCH CENTRE… Beginning in 2017, and continuing, much planning and discussions have taken place with a view to establishing a new combined ministry centre in Sliven incorporating all of the work of our partners, Sliven Baptist Church and the Blue House Care centre, under one roof. This will herald a new era and right now the Blue House is on the market for sale. The Church building is dark and damp, particularly in the winter, and we all believe this is a vital, and much needed, next step. Pastor Iuri and the Church Board, including our friend and partner Genka, the founder of the church and the Blue House, are taking this important process forward. Genka has recently taken on a new role with the Church in preparation for the changes to come. We value your prayers for favour and strength and protection for all involved.



Most Bulgarian churches are cash poor and few are able to fully support their own pastors financially. Our support can make a huge difference to the ministries of our church partners around the country. This remains a major ongoing need and we value your support.


When the large Children's home at Kermen finally closed at the end of 2014, the children and young adults were all moved to new sheltered family units, each having around ten residents. Some of these facilities were in the Sliven area, while others were further afield. With all the changes going on around the country, it has not been easy to track who had actually gone where.

Yambol is a town around 30 kilometres from Sliven where, we understood, two of the disabled young men we had known since 1998 at Kermen, Peta and Sevgin, had been moved. The first time we took a group to visit them in their superb new surroundings, it was an absolute delight to find that we knew all ten of the residents. All were from Kermen. It was a joyful reunion with old friends.

The new family units are a great improvement to the big old homes but some challenges remain. The biggest concern has been the level of ongoing funding from the local authorities following the initial two year set-up grants from the European Union, and whether the new staff and the higher standards of care can be maintained long-term. Do please pray for these delightful young people and their situation.

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